
Pandaman will change the world! 熊猫人改变世界!

welcome to $pogai - the family of 🐼 !

欢迎来到$pogai - 🐼的大家庭!

-We are silly we are fool, but we will never surrender to the world's rule!


“we will never surrender and be your slaves...”said pogai

”熊猫人永不为奴...", pogai说

"what is meme/迷因/模因/媒因/觅母/米姆?"

As the Internet and mobile phone chatting becomes more and more popular in the world, more and more people in China are using various emotion packages to express their thoughts and feelings - which is known as meme in the West.


This pandaman meme is used by Hundreds of millions of Chinese people, you can easily find this meme in any Chinese group chat. And it was also spreaded to Korea,Japan, Vietnam and many other countries all over the world.




"Whats is Pogai?"

*Whispers of the Ancient Gods: we are the pandaman pogai...*

So our pandaman names pogai, "pogai" is short for a Cantonese word “扑街仔”(pok3 gaai1 zai2) which means fool or asshole. What is interesting is that it is similar in sound to the English word for "poor guy".We use in our community to laugh at ourselves, you may think the name is so freaking silly, but in today's materialistic age, it is also a good joke.

所以我们的熊猫人名字叫做扑街仔,"pogai "是粤语 "扑街仔"(pok3 gaai1 zai2)的简称,意思是傻瓜或混蛋。有趣的是,它与英语中 "poor guy "的发音相似。我们在社区里用来自嘲,你可能觉得这个名字太傻了,但在今天这个物欲横流的时代,这也是一个不错的笑话。

So Canton/Hongkong culture + Chinese panda meme = the best #memecoin ever!


You may ask ..."sounds great but is it legit?"

here you are little panda baby this is your cmc link

you can easily find our baby panda $pogai in both CEX and DEX.

CEX: Gate.io, Bitget, MEXC, BTCEX, XT.COM, SuperEx, Lbank

DEX: Uniswap V3, SushiSwap, Camelot

But we call for all hodlers. please buy from UNISWAP or buy from CEX and withdraw to your wallet.

Last updated